Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday confessions are back!

Did you know that my bloggy bestie Alyx is back in the saddle with her "Sunday Confessions" link-up?  She started it again last week, and you'd better believe that I was all over that like white on rice.

1) I pinky promised Alyx I would participate this week, and then promptly forgot until I saw her post in my bloglovin' feed this morning.  Oops.

2) I slept for 11 hours straight last night, AND I took a nap yesterday afternoon.  It's one of the laziest weekends I've had yet.

3) I believe that running anything more than 3 miles gives me license to eat exactly what I want, whenever I want.  I get so ridiculously hungry after a long run!

4) I am a serious thrift store junkie.  We are in the habit now of going every single weekend, and I always find at least 3 things that "I want, I want, I want!"  It's a terrible habit, one that I justify by the proceeds going to a good cause, and everything being really cheap.  This week we bought an incredible antique dresser that MIGHT be from the 1700's, and I got a pretty new dress.  I already know what furniture we will be looking at next week too.

5)Alyx knows me incredibly well, and made sure that I saw this picture this week:

It's almost true... except that it usually takes 2 cups ;)

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oooh a photo of the dresser? What an awesome find! :)

  2. I NEED that coffee cup, hehe. Stopping by from the linkup! <3

  3. #1 - thanks for being honest. HA!

    #3 - yes... if I ever ran more than three miles, I would come home and eat all the food.

    #4 - pictures or it didn't happen.

    #5 - I saw it and immediately thought, "AHHH KRISTEN AND COFFEEEEEEEE!!!"


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