Womp, womp.
Now here is where I use my golden excuse of my wedding. Don't even pretend you didn't see that little gem coming. But seriously... I tried to keep up with the workouts the week of the wedding, and that lasted until I started having 20 hours days with not a minute to spare for things like squats. Last week I got myself back onto the diet, well, mostly back onto the diet. I was too exhausted to work out though, and to be honest, I was in a total funk. I had just put all of this energy into my wedding, this transformative right of passage, and then only days later I had to go back to real life and reality. And truly, that's the state of mind I'm still in... trying to readjust back to reality where everything is the same, but it's supposed to be different at the same time.
This week our plan called for detox. However, with my birthday and the 4th of July, it's been "follow the detox plan as well as you can, but just go with it in the end." There has been beer, a moscow mule, Dairy Queen, yummy desserts, and a barbecue. I haven't regretted a single bad food choice for a second this week.
Beer on Monday. Oh, yes.
And then there's the workouts: I tried to "ease myself in", since I had been out of the game for a week and a half. It was no dice, I was instantly sore from the endless litany of squats. Knowing that I had a 5k yesterday, I decided to shift workouts around so that I did UB on Wednesday, hopefully giving my legs enough rest and healing. It totally didn't work, and I'm walking like a geriatric cowboy today. In theory, I should do LB tonight, but it just is not going to happen. I'm seriously considering doing UB again tonight... I can always use more push-ups in my life!
What all of this is trying to get at is that I think the way I see my personal Revolt Fitness journey evolving is different from what I originally expected. I went into the process with an "all or nothing" mentality about complying with the diet and exercise. This totally worked with my neurotic "I'm a bride" mentality. I had expected that I would get equally as neurotic about compliance after the wedding, since I have an upcoming half marathon. I also thought that the great results I have seen in the program would continue to push me forward. When these things didn't naturally occur, I became frustrated with myself, and wanted to give up on the program altogether. However, after a lot of reflection, I find myself wanting to continue reaping the conditioning benefits of Revolt, without killing myself trying to be perfect with the program all of the time. I'm not going to continue denying myself a run, because I can't make it work with the Revolt schedule, and I'm not going to deny myself a glass of red wine or a beer with my dinner either. Instead, I want to make Revolt the template upon which I build my healthy lifestyle.
Okay, those last few sentences are kind of a lie. I want to want 100% compliance with the program, PLUS build in running and be able to stick to the diet, but I'm not even close to being at that point yet. So until I get there, I'm allowing myself wiggle room. I'm also hoping that by just doing what I can, I start to re-motivate again. That would be great.
I have been out of my routine for a month now! But I'm not ashamed. It felt damn good to throughly enjoy my vacation without watching what I ate or worrying abt working out. But with that said I'm ready to get back in the groove.