Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why run?

So far as I can tell, running is the least sexy sport ever.  It's hot.  It's sweaty.  There are bugs all over the place.  And then, there's the tummy trouble.


Until just recently, I'd had very few issues with runner's tummy.  I figured I was just lucky, and that wasn't going to be an issue for me.  Boy, was I wrong.  The first time your tummy starts dancing the meringue halfway through a run when the nearest restroom is over a mile away is an experience I will never forget.  And there's that certain grudging acceptance that you're going to have to walk part of the way there if you want to make it successfully.

In more ways than one.  Source

It really begs the question of why people run.  I know all of the crap about how it burns 100+ calories every mile for the average woman, and it really does tone up your legs in a big way quickly.  But neither of those are good enough reasons for me.  So after dragging my Latin dancing rumbly tummy home, I realized why people run.  Despite all of that, running generally makes me feel pretty good about myself, in the "I just survived something terrible" sort of way.  I don't get runner's high yet, but at the end of every run, I feel accomplished.  And for now, knowing that is hopefully enough to get me through tummy trouble.  Let's hope.  It could be a long summer otherwise.


For all of you runners out there:  Why do you run?  How do you handle tummy issues?


  1. I don't really have the tummy issue, but I can tell you why I run.
    1. Love competition
    2. love the time i get to think
    3. knowing im doing something healthy
    4. the sound of my shoes hitting the pavement
    5. the fact that though we are a large group, we are still smaller than the amount of people who don't work sense of pride
    6. accomplishing it
    7. winning medals
    8. trying to reach a PR (personal record/goal)
    9. pushing your body to its limits
    10. its fun.

    haha...sorry i wrote a novel, I felt very passionate about the topic.

  2. I haven't had any of the tummy troubles, thank goodness! I've just started my running journey, so I'm sure my day will come. :) The leg cramps and shin splints that I've experienced today have been the worst of it so far. I love the sense of accomplishment that I feel after a run though. And I'm on the road to doing something that not everyone attempts in their life. So, for those reasons, I continue. Don't know if you've seen my blog yet. It's only a week old, but I'd love some encouragement from a veteran runner like yourself.

  3. How about why I DON'T run?:)
    But maybe the tummy trouble has to do with the smoothies?
    I tried a smoothie for breakfast this morning (no protien powder though) and Oh.My.Goodness...the bathroom has been my friend all day - lol!
    But you know what,
    YOU GO GIRL with your runnin' butt!
    I'm proud of ya!

  4. I hate running. I'm actually not really supposed to do it, either, which makes my life pretty easy.
    When I used to run, I'd get runner's tummy if I had anything citrus-y or dairy beforehand. Just have a slice of whole wheat toast w/ peanut butter on it, and drink plenty of water regularly, and that should improve it quite a bit.

  5. I wish I had something brilliant to write like Riana up there.
    I run because Sherman makes me run. Period.
    BUT, I do enjoy it. And I always feel better at the end. So, I think my question is, why not run?

  6. I wish I had something brilliant to write like Riana up there.
    I run because Sherman makes me run. Period.
    BUT, I do enjoy it. And I always feel better at the end. So, I think my question is, why not run?

  7. Well, well, well..

    I don't run because I avoid diarrhea at all costs. ta da! Worst comment ever? it's possible.

  8. Kristen I think we should bond and run together and then crap our pants together. I have no shame and it will make you feel much better knowing someone did it first.

  9. i run because i actually LIKE having diarrea in my runn-y undies.

  10. I run because the thought of running makes me want to crap so I mainly just run to the toilet. It's cyclical, really.

  11. I run because for some reason I have dreams of being a marathon runner. I agree with you that bubbly tummy is no fun, but the thought of accomplishing that goal is pretty awesome! =)

  12. Let's see...I RUN because...ok, ok, I don't run. Lol
    Great post.

    Peace!....with 2 fingers;)


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