Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Goals

Wow!  Hello March, you arrived sooner than I remember you usually coming.  It's been 11 months, but I'm happy you're back.  I have big plans for you, March.  I hope you're ready.

The sheet for my Barcelona skirt.  Pretty, no?

That Barcelona Skirt is totally getting made this month.  I have spring break.  That means 2 weeks to tackle the ever mounting homework situation.  Which means that I should be able to find the time for a little sewing therapy.  Huzzah!

This month instead of gratitude, I think I wanna talk about my favorite things.  It's a little different, but I really feel compelled to write about this instead.  I'm excited to make this a new weekly thing!

My favorite note cards!
I want to send one handwritten note in the mail, and I want to make an effort to send at least two personal emails this month.  I send a lot of emails for work, but my email inbox is filled with blog posts, and newsletters.  Not a lot of personal correspondance there.  I wanna change that.

From Pinterest
On St. Patrick's day, I'm running a 5k.  It will be my first since college.  I'm intentionally not training for it, because on March 19, I'm going to start a 6 week 5k training plan that should put me in tip-top shape for another 5k on May 6.  I'm really interested to see how much time I can drop!

From Design Seeds
I really want to tackle decorating my bedroom.  I know I said this last month, but I mean it.  It looks so boring in there, compared with the rest of our apartment.  I want our bedroom to be a soothing sanctuary.
I plan on continuing yoga on Sundays, and Master's swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

$230 grocery budget is still in place, with the goal to eat at home for 24 dinners in March.  I'm going to make a cute tally sheet for our fridge.  That way I can know how we're doing.  So far I've spent $118 of our March grocery budget.  I think I may have to get creative by the 31st...

Those are my goals for March.  I decided it was best to scale back on the goals to things that are really a top priority for me.  I also like formatting them this way much better than just listing them, don't you?  It helps me focus on why something is important.  What is your goal(s) for March?  Why is it so important to you?

Have a wonderful March 1!


I love comments! Please let me know how you feel, and make sure I have a way to get back with you, so we can be friends :-)