Friday, June 29, 2012

Growing up means...

Growing up means knowing when to take risks, when to play it safe.  Growing up means having to make a decision and live with the consequences of those actions.  Growing up means discovering that wisdom does not come with simply age; it comes with experiences, usually in the form of failure.
Like it's wise to know that Sangria is tasty... too much is a one way ticket driving the porcelain bus.

This week has felt really long for me.  I had a day where I felt sick.  Today I recognized that I have an injury brewing in my leg that could be serious if I leave it be.  We had our 6 month reviews at work, and while it was not at all bad, I had to remember that other people take my actions into account.  I was reminded that this life I live, this blessed, beautiful, radiant life is not a given.  That it is something to be cherished, treasured, and lived.

This guy told me he also digs injured runners.  Sad.

It was a week to remember to always push myself at work, but that I may need to back off for a bit on my workouts.  It was a week to show compassion and loving-kindness to myself.  And it was a week to show gratitude that this life was given to me, and that I am the ONLY person who gets to live my story.  I might as well live it big.

Have a BIG Friday, guys.  Hope it's a great start to a fabulous, safe weekend.


  1. Oh, lovely lady - I have been there! Continue to keep your head up and your eyes open to all the things, little and big, that make your life as grand as it is! Keeping choosing. xo

  2. growing up kinda sucks sometimes.

    but...we have to. last night hunter looked at me after i said that i'm reconciling the feeling of being 27, "it's ok to feel old, ames. you ARE gettting older, we are literally growing old together. it's a beautiful thing."

    he's right. it sucks. but, BUT, it's beautiful too.

  3. All the boring stuff, I'll never grow up ;)

  4. Things can always get better!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Remember to ENJOY YOURSELF!! But... not too much. We don't want you praying to the porcelain gods tonight. or tomorrow.


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