Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's been crazy

I feel like it's been forever since I've had a chance to share my life with you guys.  I know it's really only been a few days, but what a few day they have been!  My workouts this week have not been what they should.  I omitted my Monday and Friday workouts this week in favor of sleep.  I have been staying up late doing homework.  The work seems never-ending, and I wonder if my teachers ever stop to think, "These people are taking my class online.  They probably have a job, a family, and other classes they are taking.  Perhaps I should not have 7 assignments due all in one week."  And then I realize that most people don't really care what someone else's schedule looks like, they are far more interested in what benefits them the most.  ::Sigh::

A and I took some time to watch "The Voice" this week, but other than that, we have been immersed in studying.  I am so proud of him and how hard he is working to ensure academic success.  Last night, instead of whispering sweet nothings in my ear, he was whispering quantitaive analysis chemistry processes in my ear.  The academic force is strong in him.

Going back to my workouts for this week... sleep isn't the only reason I skipped 2 workouts.  I have been having a lot of problems with muscle recovery these last few weeks.  I think that I may have been pushing my body too hard.  My original plan back in December was to do self-paced workouts and build intensity.  In doing so, I could easily exercise 5 days a week, because it was more at my pace.  What really ended up happening was I joined a swim team and I started going to water aerobics classes.  Both of these proved to be far more intense than what I had originally intended.  I knew there was a problem when even after 5-6 weeks of working out, I was still experiencing crippling muscle fatigue.  My workouts were leaving me feeling exhausted all day.  So, I wanted to see if by eliminating my water aerobics, I would be more effective in my swim team workouts, and the answer was a resounding yes!

What does this mean for my workouts going forward?  It means that I need to be nicer to myself;  I didn't work out for nearly a year, and then jumped into one hour a day, 5 days a week.  I am still going to keep on with my Sunday yoga, and my swim team.  But instead of doing an hour on Mondays and Fridays, I am going to put in shorter, easier workouts.  Something between 20-45 minutes.  Just something so that I get moving and continue to build up.  I am hoping to be strong enough to go back to my water aerobics soon, it is such a great workout!

In other good news, I am really loving the results of the cleaning for 10 minutes a day project.  We do it most days (we aren't perfect), and I am amazed already at what a difference it has made.  Next step is to find the time to do some more decorating and make it even more homey.

I meant to post this Friday, but ran out of time.  But I hope you are having a great Saturday!  Go to your nearest ARC and enjoy the sales!

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