One day in high school, I was driving home from school, and for some reason I had the radio off. My car was quiet, and my thoughts had the opportunity to go where they wanted to go. That day I learned that I do my best thinking when I'm driving in silence. Much the way I narrate in my head when I'm typing, these thoughts come to me, just as if I were reading them off a page.
In high school, many of these thoughts were about spirituality. I have had a lifelong struggle with spirituality, and that point in my life was especially difficult. I think any 17 year old can relate to that in some way.
Over the years, I have sometimes avoided those silent drives, because I am afraid of what I will hear in the silence. I decided to listen the other night, and the things I heard scared me just as much as they had when I was younger. They scare me, because I know that they permanently change the way I perceive the situations around me.
I will be sharing my car thoughts with you soon. Today, I would love to know, do you have something similar to this? Where do you do your best thinking? Do those thoughts scare you? Excite you? Transform you? Once they take hold, what do you do?
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