Friday, August 14, 2015

The best part of this post is the babies

I ran out of things to say, which is why there hasn't been word from me in almost a week.  Oops.  But really, life has been a little wacky lately, what with wrapping up school for the summer, moving, and trying to get my job wrapped up.  I am taking quite a bit of PTO, which is super nice.  We only get paid out 240 hours of PTO when we leave my agency, and I have been at 300+ hours for quite a while now, so it's pretty much free time off to me right now, and I'm doing my best to take it without feeling guilty (It's a serious struggle for me, because I have to let other people cover my duties).

Wednesday of this week I took off, and it was made amazing by Alyx and her cute as heck kids.

I mean... could you have a bad day if these 3 came to visit you?  I say no way.  We had lunch together, and Elsie and I "raced" in the sculpture garden near the restaurant for a while until Alyx declared that they needed to hit the road again.

After that, I had beer with another girlfriend.  I should have been doing homework all day and packing, but I think I needed the girl time.  Also, Alyx helped talk though the moving and starting over in a new place feelings and thoughts I've been having, which was so helpful and important, so I am declaring the day a success all around.

Also, other people's babies are the best anti-depressants in the world, especially when they smile at you.  So, so good.

Other than that, we've been trying to get our house out here in Colorado re-rented, so that we can stop showing the darn place and tear it to shreds in a packing extravaganza.  Who needs running when you have packing and moving as your cardio?

True statement:  I haven't worked out in weeks, and I'm not even a little sad about it.  Except that I got trail shoes last weekend (I had a gift card for a local running shop that I needed to use before we moved), and I would love to give those a go.  But that's just a longing, not actual pain that I can't do it.  Soon enough, my friends.  I hope you're excited for those sweaty trail-running selfies...


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