Tuesday, August 4, 2015

All I need is pie and Netflix

If it's true that you are what you et, then I'm about to turn into a carb any second now.  I wouldn't even be sad about it, because carbs are delicious, and they make people happy.  Except, that I was listening to a triathlon/endurance sports podcast today, and they were talking about how carbs and sugar should be treated as drugs, they are so addictive, and can have bad effects on the body.  But that's a serious downer, don't you think?

Says the girl who just ate a giant slice of apple pie from Costco.  It was amazing, in case you were wondering.  We had a coupon for a free pie at one point, and knew we could never finish it off just the two of us.  And since I have very few friends, we decided it would be smarter to cut the pie up and freeze it in "shareable" portions, since Ammon can never eat an entire dessert, and I need to be held back from going all cookie monster on all of the sugar.

Except, Ammon was in the shower, and had no idea that I was demolishing a slice of pie while watching Netflix, and trying to pretend that my whole life is not going sideways right now.  Netflix and carbs are definitely my main coping mechanisms for this impending move, and I think they will be crucial to Ammon's continued survival.  Because really, it's just easier to take care of the problem at the source, and if he is incapacitated, there is no reason for me to have to go anywhere, or go through anymore crap, deal with another awful person, or pack just one more damn box.

Needless to say, I'm really glad I decided to hold out, and save Orange in the New Black for a special occasion.  A move across the country with no job sounds like it might fit the bill nicely.  I have missed the heck out of Crazy Eyes.

Except, I would never throw my pie for anyone.  She is so much more giving of herself than I am.

Instead, I watched the entire "Numbers" series from start to finish, and I convinced Ammon to start NCIS with me.  There's 11 seasons, so we may be at it for a while.  Nothing keeps the romance alive quite like a show that glorifies autopsies and forensic science, am I right?

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so have you watched OITNB? I've never seen it, and I am almost done with Parenthood, so I might need a show to binge watch on my own.

    Carbs and netflix are pretty much my coping mechanism for everything right now because I can't really work out (my milk supply would die). It's killing me... but I've gotten a lot of shows finished lately! HA!


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