Tuesday, February 12, 2013

This post is brought to you by Pho

I caved last night, on 2 fronts.  Y'all know about the first front:  I have been eating low carb as a means to help me hit my wedding dress goals.  The second front was a secret front.  Ammon and I set the intention of not eating out for dinner from January 16th through February 28th.

Then last night happened.  I came home from work feeling like death itself with a horrible tension headache radiating towards the front of my face.  I had malaise, and just felt downtrodden.  Ammon came home and heard me confess to my ill feeling.  He told me that he, too, was not feeling well.  We agreed that Pho sounded like exactly what we needed to get through this terrible time.

Oh, and the magic of Pho.  Our sweet neighborhood establishment cured me instantly, just like always.  Except now I know that that tension headache was congestion that had not yet broken the dam.  It has now.

Over the weekend, I mentioned the More Love Letters project on Instagram, and had a couple of people ask me about it.  I first heard about this project from Kim, and fell head over heels in love with it.  I'm not the best person to explain the meaning and the greatness of this project.  No, there is an incredible, 5 minute TED talk by the founder of the project, Hannah Brencher, that is far more eloquent than I could ever be on this subject.  Please hear her words, and let them change you as they change me.

Pretty powerful, huh?  This campaign has inspired me to send more letters, and more notes and cards.  It has inspired me to connect in an old, slow, sweet way.  I recently sent a large batch of cards out.  If you signed up for Pay it Forward mail from me and you get a card in the next week, it isn't your Pay it Forward mail.  That will be a much more exciting package, I promise.  This is a connection.  A way for me to reach out and tell you that you are loved and cared for beyond a computer screen.

Sorry if you can't read my cursive.  My hand cramps when I print for too long.

Today I want to open up my offer again.  Several of you accepted last time, but honestly, I want to write all of you a card, or a letter.  I want to be able to brighten your day with a trip to the mailbox.  If you will simply allow me that intimacy of moving from the computer screen to real life.  If you're interested, please leave a note in the comments, and make sure that I have an email address where I can get back to you at.  I know I put the stipulation on it before to create a ripple effect through your own blog, but honestly, that matters less to me than filling you up with joy on a day that you may need it.  So don't be shy, and don't make excuses.  Let's be friends.  Let's save the post office, and make it so they have to reinstate Saturday deliveries.  And let's make this space the meeting space, and the real world our connection space.

Now please excuse me while I go dose up on decongestants and tea...


  1. sometimes you just gotta have some carbs and some restaurant food!

  2. I have never had Pho! I'm not even quite sure what it is, but I'm definitely intrigued. Sounds like everyone lately is getting congestion/sinus headaches, not cool.

    I will take a card this time! :) Gotta save the ol' USPS lol. I have a stack of pretty blank cards that I've been wanting to use too, so let's do this!

    - Val @ KnotTiedDown.com

  3. You are no longer allowed to get on my case about the amount of points in a latte and brownie, Ms. Carb Eater. =) Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Ah! I love, love, love love letters. So much do I love them. I snuck in writing a few on my break at work last week. It was glorious.

    Also, no problem for caving! You still are doing a great job just for going out so much less already, one meal isn't throwing you off track!

  5. Ahhhhh Kristen!! I think that you deserve to heal yourself with pho every now and then.

    And I love this TED video. A lot.

  6. You KNOW I want to receive mail from you all the time:) Wanna be penpals?!

  7. You always gotta treat yourself every once and a while.


I love comments! Please let me know how you feel, and make sure I have a way to get back with you, so we can be friends :-)