Monday, February 10, 2014

We have some wacky weekends

It was a pretty wacky weekend, y'all.  I don't generally buy into the concept of doing weekend updates, but I just feel like it's necessary this week for the simple fact that talking about my weekend is easier than talking about the other topics rolling around in my mind.

We started off our wild and wacky weekend by staying in Friday night and eating baked apples with fake ice cream and watching Arrested Development.  Oh, and passing out by 9pm.  Outrageousness at its sheer finest.

It felt really good to get to sleep as long as I wanted.  Sleeping in is a thing of the past now that
we have a dog and a cat who have basic needs.  Not surprisingly, I was up before the butt-crack of dawn Saturday morning for some puppy snuggles.

Amidst all of the puppy snuggles, I was furiously trying to find a place to get a decent haircut and set of highlights on short notice for crazy cheap.  My hair is... challenging on the best of days, so finding someone I'm willing to let cut it is difficult.  I've had good luck at beauty schools in the past, so I decided to give it another shot.  I called the local school, and sure enough they told me they could squeeze me in within an hour and a half.  And just a few hours later, I left looking like this:

The blonde is back, y'all, and I'm so happy about it.  Also, I had them re-create one of my most favorite haircuts of all time, and that's awesome too.  I've gotta say, as much as I loved having really short hair, I'm enjoying the growing out process immensely.

getting my hairs all gussied up was followed by some yoga, drinks with a friend I hadn't seen in 7 months, and a late night stop to Village Inn so that my husband could offset the beers he'd consumed with some high quality breakfast. 

Sunday was pretty much a waste of a day.  Sleep didn't really happen after our late night out, and I was up at 6:30 with the dog.  Laundry was done, blogs were read, and I pounded my head against my desktop computer over stupid homework for a stupid class that I am really hating as of late.  Oh, and it snowed again, so any chances of running outside (what I wanted to do most), were shot.  And truth be told, I was too tired to really make running 4 miles happen anyway, and I totally slacked on my workouts for the week.  Whoops.  Just going to have to do better this week with that, I suppose.

I thought the hoarfrost on this tree looked cool yesterday as I was doing laundry.  Don't you?

That was pretty much it for the weekend.  Like I said, totally wacky and wild, right?  This week, I'm really hoping to not be so drained from work and school, so that I can actually get around to doing my workouts as they are scheduled.  I'm also hoping that the weather will clear up enough that I can run outside at least once.  The treadmill is eating away at my soul.

How was your weekend?  Anything crazy or fun happen?


  1. Your hair looks great! Mine is in desperate need of a cut. I snipped it a little myself but I need a pro. Maybe I'll try a school.

  2. Waking up early sucks, but the puppy cuddles help make it better! And I love the new hair, it looks great! Glad you had a good experience!

  3. I LOVE the hair! Seriously, it looks FABULOUS.

    And I am so. sick. of running inside on a treadmill. Good news is that this coming weekend is supposed to be in the 50's. I'm SO EXCITED!!!


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