Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Game changers

This last weekend, Ammon and I had a couple of REALLY fantastic things happen.  I know you're supposed to talk about weekends on Mondays, but I don't like that.  I think it's more fun to talk about them on Tuesdays.  But either way, this is a weekend post, and for better or worse, I hope that is alright with you.

First and foremost:

I read an article online about how the daiquiri used to be  a stiff, well-respected drink.  I determined that it was necessary to re-create "the real thing".  Ammon is obsessed.  In fact, we are drinking them again right now as I type this, because sometimes Monday nights call for a rum drink too.  For those of you wondering, it's 2 parts rum, 1 part simple syrup, 1 part lime juice.


We go someplace nice, I ask Ammon to take a picture with me, and THIS is what happens.  We are the HEIGHT of class and sophistication.

Oh, and if you were wondering, we were at a legit mansion when that above picture was taken.  Like I said, classy.

After trying to not look trashy classing it up with people I've known since Elementary school on Saturday, we decided that Sunday was best spent avoiding anyone who cares about how we behave in public places, so we went hiking.

 Ow, ow.

And then we tried the Taqueria that just opened down the street from us.  Oh-em-gee.  I can't even. 

Give me salsa bar and sopapillas, or give me death.

Well, I need to eat some frozen bananas before bed, so this is where I leave you, dreaming fondly of frozen bananas, and sopapillas that would make you think you'd died and gone to heaven.  Have a great day!


  1. I am laughing that the daiquiri used to be a stiff, well-respected drink. Oh how things have changed!

    That food looks amazing. I think I want tacos for breakfast now.

  2. So... why do you need to eat frozen bananas before bed? Regular bananas won't work?

  3. I really love that pic of you and Ammon:) You look hottie-hottie:)

  4. I am so with you! I could live off salsa and sopapillas forevvvvvver! YUM!

  5. Haha I love that picture of you two - so fun!! Also, I agree Tuesdays are fine days for weekend recaps.


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