I need you to make yourself this drink, and then sip it while sitting out in the sunshine.
It's called the Farm Girl Cosmo. I found the recipe on pinterest, then adapted it. It's late, and I'm going to be lazy. If you wanna find the original recipe, you can find it on pinterest, or you can google it.
I understand that in typing that diatribe, I could have found and linked said beverage recipe. I'm okay with that.
What you need:
1 cup chopped up rhubarb
2-3 cups high quality H2O
2 cups sugar
1/4 cup lime juice
1 oz Grand Marnier
6 oz Good Quality vodka (we use the vodka from Syntax Spirits, because it's local, and they have the coolest cat you've ever met. Cooler than B, it's true (and yeah, I realize that I linked here. I remembered the link from memory. But I swear, I'm no alcoholic. Really))
What you're gonna do:
1) Put Rhubarb in a saucepan with one cup of water, and simmer for 20 minutes or so. You want the rhubarb to break down.
2) Strain mixture through cheesecloth into a 2-cup measuring cup. Add enough water to make 2 cups.
3) Put rhubarb juice back on stove with 2 cups of sugar. Stir until all sugar is dissolved, then remove from heat and allow to cool.
4) Into a pitcher, add one cup of your rhubarb syrup PLUS the lime juice, Grand Marnier, and Vodka. Stir.
5) Pour into glasses and enjoy
BUT WAIT! You say... What about me? I don't drink! **The first thing I would ask in this situation is if you realized you stumbled upon the blog of someone who was raised in the Episcopal Church, got a drinking ticket at 18, and joined a sorority at 19? No??? Crap. Okay, well, I still love you.**
I won't leave you out, you dryly sweet creature. It's pretty easy to make these to suit your taste. Simply use club soda instead of vodka, and instead of using Grand Marnier, add about 3/4 of a teaspoon of Orange Extract. See? Now we can all be happy!
Have a fantastic, safe weekend!
Well, this looks amazing but I would have to idea what a rhubarb would look like. My huz would, he ate so much of it as a kids his lips swelled up.
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